Ag2S Acanthite is a rare mineral at Mont Saint-Hilaire. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually black. Luster is metallic. Diaphaneity is opaque. Crystal System is…
Category: EN
Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)5(Si8O22)(OH)2 Member of the amphibole group, actinolite is rare at Mont Saint-Hilaire. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color ranges from dark green to black.…
NaFe3+Si2O6 Aegirine, a member of the pyroxene group, is one of the most abundant and conspicuous crystallized minerals occurring at…
NaAlSi3O8 Andesine is relatively rare at Mont Saint-Hilaire. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually grey or green. Luster is vitreous. Diaphaneity is transparent to…
PbSO4 Anglesite occurs as an extremely rare secondary mineral at Mont Saint-Hilaire. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually green or tan. Luster is…
(Na,K)AlSi3O8 Anorthoclase is another rare mineral species at MSH. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually grey (mottled). Luster is vitreous to pearly on…
Sb Antimony is extremely rare at MSH. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually dark grey. Luster is sub-metallic. Diaphaneity is opaque. Crystal System is hexagonal; R3m.…
CaCO3 Aragonite, a member of the aragonite group, is extremely rare at MSH. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color varies from colorless to white…
FeAsS Arsenopyrite is a relatively rare mineral at MSH PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually silver-white. Luster is metallic. Diaphaneity is opaque. Crystal System is…
(Ca,Mg,Fe2+,Fe3+,Al,Ti)2(Al,Si)2O6 Augite is extremely rare at MSH. A single crystal had been found and is now lost. Any information on…
BaSO4 Barite is a rare accessory mineral at Mont Saint-Hilaire. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color varies from colorless to pale, lemon or bright…
K(Fe2+,Mg)3(AlSi3O10)(OH,F)2 Biotite, one of the several members of the mica group found at MSH is fairly abundant in many environments…