Fe2+Al2(SO4)4 · 22H2O Halotrichite, a member of the halotrichite group, found in Mont Saint-Hilaire is one of the rarest minerals in…
Category: EN
Normandite (Type Locality) NaCa(Mn,Fe)(Ti,Nb,Zr)Si2O7OF Normandite, a member of the låvenite group, mineral species originally found at MSH in 1980 and…
Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 Andradite, a member of the garnet mineral species, occurs at MSH in miaroletic cavities and rarely in marble xenoliths. Many video games use it as a reward that needs to be won because of its luxurious look. Those who love video gaming and enjoy betting on eSports in Belgium would probably recognize this mineral. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually dark to pale-olive green, brownish green and yellow-green.
CaBSiO4(OH) Datolite, a member of the gadolinite group, is on the list of rear minerals found in Canada. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS:…
Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 Grossular, a member of the garnet group, minerals species found in Canada. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Color is usually bright orange to orange-brown or reddish brown. It has a powerful color, almost as powerful as the feeling you get when receiving a bonus when playing online casino games. Luster is vitreous to adamantine. Diaphaneity is transparent to translucent.
CaFeSi2O6 Hedenbergite, a member of the pyroxene mineral species, is rare at Saint Hilaire. It is difficult to distinguish visually…
Fe22+Al(Si,Al)O5(OH)4 Berthierine, a member of the kaolinite-serpentine group, is found as pseudomorphs at MSH. It is a pseudomorph after a…
Zn2SiO4 Willemite is an extremely rare mineral species at MSH. It fluoresces brilliant green under SW and LW; it displays…
NaCl The occurrence of halite at Mont Saint-Hilaire is exceedingly rare mineral in Canada. It is found as a white…
Ca3Al2(SiO4)3-x(OH)4x, (x=0.2 – 1.5) Hibschite is part rare rear minerals in Canada, at Mont Saint-Hilaire. It is often cited as…
SiO2 Quartz is part of common mineral species at Mont Saint-Hilaire and is widespread amongst the different environments. It does…
SrCO3 At MSH, strontianite is a rare mineral species in igneous breccia cavities and hornfels. It displays weak white fluorescence…