Calcioburbankite’s holotype specimen was collected in the late 60’s, however the exact locality of the specimen within the quarry remains unknown. The associated species suggest that the mineral may have formed in a vent. Many species are found in this mode of occurrence. Following the characterization of the mineral La-enriched calcioburbankite was encountered in a vug in a fragment of marble xenolith. These xenoliths are unique to the aureole surrounding the hornfels unit.
- Color is deep orange, silky white exterior and light pink interior.
- Luster is vitreous.
- Diaphaneity is translucent.
- Crystal System is hexagonal; P63mmc.
- Crystal Habits include equant crystals less than 0.5mm with fibrous
terminations with a silky white exterior and light pink, translucent
interior. - Cleavage: {100} is indistinct.
- Fracture is conchoidal.
- Hardness is 3 to 4.
- Specific Gravity is approximately 3.45 g/cm3.
- Streak is white.
- Associated Minerals include ancylite-(Ce), calcite, chlorite group,
donnayite-(Y), fluoroapatite, natrolite, pyrite, rhodochrosite and rutile. - Distinguishing Features: Brittle. Non Fluorescent.
- Origin: Named in 1995 for its calcium dominant chemistry in the
burbankite group.
Dana class # | – Carbonates; anhydrous carbonates; burbankite group |
Strunz class # | V/B.5-9 – Nitrates, carbonates & borates; water-free carbonates [CO3]2- without unfamiliar anions; eitelite – shortite – carbocernaite series |