A member of the dolomite group with dolomite and kutnohorite, ankerite is a relatively rare mineral species at Mont Saint-Hilaire.
- Color is usually pale beige or white.
- Luster is vitreous to pearly.
- Diaphaneity is transparent to translucent.
- Crystal System is hexagonal; R3.
- Crystal Habits include epitactic growths to 1mm.
- Cleavage {101} is perfect.
- Fracture is uneven to subconchoidal.
- Hardness is 3.5 – 4.
- Specific Gravity is approximately 2.75 g/cm3.
- Streak is white.
- Associated Minerals include albite, chlorite group, elpidite,
marcasite and sphalerite. - Distinguishing Features: Indistinguishable from other members
of dolomite or calcite groups.
- Origin: Named in 1825 after Professor Mathias Joseph Anker
(1771-1843), Austrian mineralogist.
Dana class # | – Carbonates; anhydrous carbonates; dolomite group |
Strunz class # | V/B.3-20 – Nitrates, carbonates & borates; water free carbonates [CO3]2- without unfamiliar anions, dolomite group |